Team size
- Parkour, Racing
- PC
- Tengine
- level designer,
gameplay designer
- 5 weeks
- 8 people
Check out the dev. blog here ➜
Up to 4 players can in Runners compete in parkouring by racing each other on rubble in space. When the timer reaches 0 it is time to see who's the best! You win by not necessarily being ahead in the course but by the points you gather by parkouring well. Get past the objects in your way by jumping, sliding or wall gliding!
When people play this game, I love to see how determined they are to beat each other and their high score. They try to come up with small changes to their play style to find the optimal way of getting the most points.

Parkour Mechanics
Slide under obstacles marked with red! The slide will slow you down a bit but gives you a bit more parkouring points.
Obstacles that are marked with green needs to be jumped over! Because jumping is quite easy, it won't give you as much points.
Wall glide
Glide on walls marked with blue to get over parts with no ground and earn a decent amount of points as well! The longer you glide, the more points.
My work
The concept at the beginning of the project was a bit too big for what we had time with so we had to cut out features. Together with the other designer in the team, we discussed a lot what features we should remove to still keep the core of the game. These meetings were important and in the end I think we absolutely made the right choices. Apart from discussing and solving gameplay issues, I worked much with the level design.
We decided to divide the course into sections so we could easily load it in. I was in charge of designing these sections and placed out obstacles, spawn points and collision. When the section was done and tested, I handed them over to the artists who decorated them with rubble. In the picture slide below you can see the sections in their Maya scene.
Instead of using the actual meshes of the obstacles, I used boxes that I colour coded. The game later loads the obstacles that I chose onto the pivot points of the boxes. (The colour of the obstacles in Maya and in the game are different because of late changes.)

Albin Högbom
Petronella Olanders
Sofie Färdig

Sara Karlsson
Viktor Uppman
Anton Edvardsson
Johan Rosén
Mattias Strandberg
Tim Larsson